ICMET 2023
Macau, China|June 16-18, 2023
The conference is successfully held in Macau, China during June 16-18, 2023, which is greated supported by Univeristy of Saint Joseph. We are delighted that three keynote speakers and one invited speaker have shared with us their research works. And two parallel sessions were conducted for further communication. In addition, congratulated to the below two authors who have been selected as the best presentation.
S1: S1: MT016
Paper Title: Widening of the Digital Divide by Advanced Online Classroom & Persistence of Virtual Learning After the Pandemic Era
Presenter: Shruthi Thaiveppil Gopi, FPT University, Vietnam
S2: MT1001
Paper Title: A Study of Business Students’ Information Literacy Skills Development: Supporting Self-Directed Learning Readiness for Final Year Undergraduate Projects
Presenter: Lau Chammy, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China
S2: MT027
Paper Title: From Virtual to Physical: Chatbot Development for Teaching Robotics
Presenter: Dongkun Han, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, China
Here we just share some photos of the virtual conference.